British Camelids’ charitable objectives benefit all camelid species and focus on:
- Welfare of camelids.
- Representation and liaison with government and DEFRA on behalf of all camelids.
- Research and Development relating to camelid health, welfare and good husbandry practice.
- General promotion of and education about camelids to the general public in the UK, and publication of papers on our web site relating to research and development undertaken on behalf of the charity.
- Liaison with the British Veterinary Camelid Society (BVCS). Two Directors of BVCS are also Trustees of British Camelids.
- Promotion of an annual conference with international speakers open to members of the general public.
If you are interested in supporting British Camelids in its objectives then by joining either the British Alpaca Society or the British Llama Society you will automatically become a member of the Charity with a percentage of your Society subscription going to British Camelids in support of its objectives. Alternatively you may wish to make a donation direct to British Camelids.
Download a copy of our leaflet if you wish to make a donation.